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« Il faut retrouver l’esprit entrepreneurial du XIXe siècle »

Cette année, notre magazine fait de l’innovation son thème central. Les entreprises, quelles qu’elles soient, doivent innover pour se développer et assurer leur pérennité. Pour démarrer cette série, nous avons donné la parole à Patrick Barbey, directeur d’Innovaud. Son expertise nous éclaire sur ces enjeux.


The canton of Vaud progresses despite a general decline in investments in Switzerland!

The Swiss Venture Capital Report 2024, the reference publication for investment in Swiss start-ups, was published this morning, February 4. General investments have decreased compared to 2023 (2,369 MCHF in 2024 vs. 2,588 MCHF in 2023). A decline that has not impacted the canton of Vaud—quite the opposite!


Vaud Economic Mission to China

In the context of the 75th anniversary of bilateral relations between Switzerland and China, and 15th anniversary of Vaud-Jiangsu partnership, we are delighted to present the Vaud Economic Mission to China, which will take place from 15 to 21 June 2025.

The mission is being led by Isabelle Moret, State Councillor for the Department of the Economy, Innovation, Employment and Heritage in the canton of Vaud.


"Passer de la phase start-up à celle de la scale-up est une étape cruciale"

Dans le dernier numéro du PME Magazine, la rédactrice Elisabeth Kim rencontrait Caroline Schwarz et Charlotte Ducrot, coresponsables de la communauté Scale-Up chez Innovaud. Une interview passionnante qui rappelle à quel point le passage de start-up à scale-up est une étape cruciale.


Reflecting on MastermiNNd 2024: A Transformative Peer-Learning Journey

In 2024, Innovaud embarked on an exciting journey to explore the concept of MastermiNNd, a structured methodology designed to help a leader solve a challenge thanks to trust, and impactful knowledge exchange from peers. Inspired by a similarly named initiative from the Dutch scale-up ecosystem and the pan-european community for top executives CEO CF, Innovaud launched a series of “MastermiNNd events” for its start-up and scale-up community.


Vision 2030+

Découvrez la 2nde édition du « Panorama des Start-ups Cleantech », rapport exhaustif proposant une cartographie des start-ups cleantech suisses et une analyse des investissements et tendances du domaine. Ce rapport présente la « vision 2030+ » de CleantechAlps pour le secteur, intégrant la notion de durabilité et de résilience de notre société.


Is Vaud as investor-friendly as it is business-friendly?

Business leaders of all stripes choose Vaud Canton to start their companies, expand their operations or base their European headquarters. But what about investors? Jesús Reglero, a Spanish corporate finance specialist, tells us why he and his US partners chose Lausanne as the home for Contrail Capital, their transatlantic investment and corporate advisory firm.


Industrial robotics in the age of AI

We spoke to Baptiste Busch, CEO and co-founder of AICA. He took part in the 3rd edition of the LeadiNNg to Scale-Up programme offered by Innovaud and IMD. Find out more about his experience and the history of AICA.


The canton of Vaud, or a paradise for startups

Wednesday 4 September saw the 14th TOP 100 event take place in Lausanne. Switzerland's most promising start-ups were present at Beaulieu. Vaud-based start-ups stood out, taking 24 places in the ranking, including 4 in the top 10. Read our editorial in the magazine, along with the key figures.