A new epigenetic test for Clinique La Prairie clients
Since 2018, Clinique La Prairie, an international leader in longevity and well-being, has taken into consideration the importance of genetic capital and environmental factors on wellness, by integrating genetic testing into its one-week Revitalization and Master Detox programs. In keeping with its desire to constantly innovate, since February 2021 it introduced a new epigenetic assessment into its range of diagnostics and personalized medicine, to add a measure of the influence of the environment and lifestyle on gene expression.
The assessment is based on blood tests and is the result of a collaboration between Clinique La Prairie and Genknowme, a swiss company specializing in the analysis of the influence of lifestyle on genes. An analysis of DNA methylation then measures the biological age (as opposed to chronological age) and shows how quickly the body ages as a result of lifestyle choices. This unique reading promotes an accurate diagnosis and provides the clinic's doctors with all the information they need to recommend changes in nutrition, environment, anti-stress approach and sport for a healthy lifestyle adapted to each DNA profile.
Youth capital, the difference between biological age and chronological age
Epigenetic biological age is a scientific estimate of the physiological state of an individual. It encompasses longevity and the ability to function (healthy ageing) and takes into account many factors, such as the passage of time, genetics, but also lifestyle. Recent research has highlighted gene regulation mechanisms linked to external factors such as the environment and lifestyle. These are called 'epigenetic' markers that can be combined to form age estimates called 'epigenetic age'. The difference between epigenetic age and chronological age is called 'youth capital', with negative values indicating that a person is biologically older than their years.
While scientific research has confirmed that our daily choices can influence the epigenetic signatures of our DNA and influence our health, it also shows that we can reverse this impact by changing our habits through a healthier lifestyle. This will increase our youth capital, and therefore our longevity. We could thus have a younger biological age than our chronological age.