Climate change, pollution, and the deterioration of ecosystems are problems that are part of our daily lives nowadays. Throughout the world, the development of solutions to reduce the consumption of natural resources and limit greenhouse gas emissions is intensifying. The global cleantech market is worth 2,500 billion euros, with an annual average growth rate of 10.6% over the past 10 years, and it is expected to continue to progress at a rate of 6.5% per annum until 2025. The canton of Vaud has been active in dealing with these issues for a number of years now via such companies as Leclanché (energy storage solutions) and Romande Energie (development of renewable energies and energy efficiency), as well as being involved with innovative projects such as Bertrand Piccard’s famous SolarImpulse solar aircraft. In Western Switzerland, the cleantech cluster CleantechAlps is committed to promoting the sector. It helps to support and network companies involved, at the same time integrating the research institutes that are active in cleantech. The EPFL’s environment sciences and engineering faculty and the Ecotechnology faculty at the HEIG-VD in particular are a breeding ground for cutting-edge knowledge and indeed experts. Plenty of start-ups are also emerging in the cleantech sector, most notably in innovative fields such as agritech and smart grids.
Find out more about Energy & Environment in Vaud
This US giant which specializes in network equipment has been based in Rolle since 2007. The group also has a development unit within the EPFL Innovation Park and is anticipating widespread digital disruption across all sectors of industry.
Plus sûrs, plus rapides et moins coûteux: les drones de la start-up<br />vaudoise Flyability ont conquis le marché de la vérification d’installations difficiles d’accès.
Merck develops advanced treatments in the canton of Vaud. Now, the German multinational plans to expand its production capacity in the region.
Dans le dernier numéro du PME Magazine, la rédactrice Elisabeth Kim rencontrait Caroline Schwarz et Charlotte Ducrot, coresponsables de la communauté Scale-Up chez Innovaud. Une interview passionnante qui rappelle à quel point le passage de start-up à scale-up est une étape cruciale.
In 2024, Innovaud embarked on an exciting journey to explore the concept of MastermiNNd, a structured methodology designed to help a leader solve a challenge thanks to trust, and impactful knowledge exchange from peers. Inspired by a similarly named initiative from the Dutch scale-up ecosystem and the pan-european community for top executives CEO CF, Innovaud launched a series of “MastermiNNd events” for its start-up and scale-up community.